scratch my last message about this problem having being solved by a kernel config on 2.6.4
it still happens!! (the keyboard locks up in root/-rt mode)
just not so frequently. i know this isn't so helpful, i'll try and figure out what the stressor is and get back to the list... in the meantime forget i said it was solved.
Quoting derek holzer
Howdy, wrote:
Has anyone been able to get the 2.6 linux kernel to work with the realtime scheduling? I get a keyboard/kernel crash still, wondering if its a
config issue.
No problems here. Using ALSA or Jack. Only been on 2.6 for a week tho, so something could come up. With my luck, it would be in the middle of a gig! ;-)
-- derek holzer ::: ---Oblique Strategy # 21: "Be less critical"
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