On Jun 18, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
I have some problems with pix_video: With my webcam _and_ dv1394 I get red/blue swapped. (with colorspace YUV no problem !) Has anyonw else the same problems?
...can't speak for anything but the osx stuff, and we don't see that
channel switching...
I can hack it if I swap the colors in GEM_EXTERN void imageStruct::fromYV12 in GemPixUtil.cpp, but this is of course no good solution. And why is RGBA and BGRA the same ? Maybe this is the problem? Or should we add an option to pix_video to swap red/blue?
...welcome to the wacky world of endian insanity! The RGBA/BGRA
stuff actually works because the type/format (I forget which exactly)
is appended "*_REV", which make everything ok on bigendian
machines...confusing indeed, but not to say that gempixutil.cpp
couldn't use quite a bit more scrutiny...certainly has a lot of
#ifdef's, but that's where it's at...
...I should also note that I don't remember making the YV12
conversions correct for pdp across the board, but it's really a
simple function overloading change (char to short)...
...finally, I'm not sure how motivated I am to complete the altivec
conversions of important space changes, but will get to them as we
have at least a year before I move to "mactel": is anyone up to
doing SSEn speed ups here? I imagine I'll be getting into that when
I get a machine, but that's a year away too...
l8r, jamie