IOhannes, derek, thanks for the additional tips.
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
<snip> > there is (almost) no significant difference in functionality between the > 2 number boxes. <snip> > the existance of both objects is merely historical.
I'm assuming I wouldn't have given this such a deep thought if number2 was located in an external, having to load manually by "-lib" or similar, just because I've looked into few but enough externals to know that there are many externals with overlapping functions and minor differences.
Placed in the GUI "put" pull-down, located near other basic objects, I had thought it was critical and unique, despite the limited notes on it.
I apologize for bringing up such an elementary topic. I do feel though that organizing documents, at least for objects found in the GUI "put" pull-down menu would be a quick and easy way to releave head aches & fears of beginners. Maybe just some extra files under "doc/2.examples.controls" would help.
I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I understood (at least) everything in the basic GUI kit after reading a good number of attached docs in order.
Say, there was a nice description on array usages and it's difference from the [table] object at a relatively early stage. I still have no clue on what "graph"s are for.
Just an idea from a beginner who's tried to learn from the current documentations.. or did I just miss something?
-- David Shimamoto