to sum up the discussion about shared libraries:
Should we establish a standard to mention the required libraries for Linux and Mac users, ideally with instructions for users?
Maybe we can include a file called dependencies.txt with the following format:
ALL: <Package Name 1> <URL to package 1> <Package Name 2> <URL to package 2> <Package Name 3> <URL to package 3>
Mac OS X: brew install <package1> <package3> fink install <package2>
DEB: apt-get install <package1> <package2> <package3>
Fedora: dnf install <package1> <package2> <package3>
The description in RFC format: A deken package MAY include a file dependencies.txt to specify dependencies for the package. The file dependencies.txt MUST NOT be empty and MUST contain at least one section.
Sections are seperated by empty lines.
The first line in a section MUST end with a colon(:).
The first section of the file MUST be ALL. Section ALL MUST list dependencies with a canonical name and a URL to the library (source code download or repository).
Other sections either MUST contain a line INCLUDED to tell the user that the package contains the dependencies or MUST contain a list of commands to execute to install these dependencies.
The list of commands SHOULD state the dependencies in the same order as in section ALL. (compare DEB package installation to Mac OS X in the example above)
This information could also be included in the <library>-meta.pd file.
That way, the file is human readable and in the future, the plugin can split up the file into sections and present instructions to the user about dependencies.
What are your thoughts about that?
Thanks, Thomas