Hallo, bbarros hat gesagt: // bbarros wrote:
Take a look in SuperCollider. I used Max/MSP and CSound before, IMO you can do more with less effort once you learn this programming language (yes, it is a true programming language) Once you finished your patch it is also easy to modify and change comparing to max/msp. I like it.
I believe, the choice between a 1-dimensional language like SC and a 2-dimensional one like Pd is a state of mind thing. I do my fair share of 1-dim programming, even used CSound in the past, but now it's mostly in other areas. I feel that for thinking about music or "art", I always come back to Pd. Somehow Pd's way of laying out processes in two dimensions is more inspiring to me than the sequential, left-to-right programming of SC etc. when doing "art". Of course some things are tedious to do in Pd and easier or faster to program in 1-dim languages, but then it's possible to embed a 1-dim language like lua, python, C etc. into Pd or go with a dual-app approach and OSC.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__