On Fri, 2021-03-12 at 19:20 +0100, Allister Sinclair wrote:
I don't know if an external exists for that but you could use command lines from pd. (On linux I would use jack_connect and jack_disconnect commands through the [ggee/shell] object.
Now, that [ggee/shell] reports the proper exit code, this seemed a feasible approach. Not for long, though. There is no way around Pd prepending each symbol with a backslash. So, it is impossible to address a port like:
"ardour:send 7/audio_in 1"
Passing such a symbol to jack_connect through [shell] ends with:
ERROR ardour:send\ 1/audio_out\ 1 not a valid port
I remember a discussion going on github (can't find it right now) about whether the escaping with \ is an implementation detail that shouldn't be exposed to the user or the world outside of Pd. Now, I wonder whether it is [shell] not dealing properly with escaped characters in symbols, or whether the culprit is actually in Pd here.
I'm not quite sure how to go on about this.