Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Yeah, I think having subpatches visually distinct would definitely be
useful, since they are really a hidden chunk of the current patch
rather than an object.
Personally I wouldn't care. To me it's enough that they have a special name with "pd" and a funky argument. [pd THE_SCORE] is visually different enough to me, and often I don't care that a subpatch is a subpatch (e.g. in [pd count-to-10] or so).
[textfile] also is different from [osc~], but do they necessarily need to look different? And everywhere? When using data structures to just hold data, a subpatch is very similar to [textfile]. Should these two be similar then? If you enable GOP in your subpatch, it already can be made to look very different from other objects.
So in the end I think, making objects look different automatically is a hairy issue. Some more ways to make individual objetcs look different on a one-by-one base could be interesting, though.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__