I can certainly understand this.
Most Open Source projects successfully deal with the problem by having two mailing lists, one for users and one for developers. Noise on the developer list increases only slightly. Sourceforge gives email lists for projects like these away for free.
On the plus side, your user base will increase, which if nothing else will mean better field testing.
I am finding more and more people who are starting their own Open Source
software synthesis projects because they haven't found Pd or jMax. When I
show them Pd they want to hit something to alleviate their frusteration.
I myself wasted a lot of time writing a little MIDI programming
environment before I realised Pd was a viable alternative. Posting to
Freshmeat or Sourceforge would eliminate this problem.
Nonetheless, I will respect what seems to be the wishes of the list and not post about Pd.
On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, [iso-8859-1] Lavall�e Marc wrote:
Richard Dobson a �crit :
Dunno about Freshmeat (well, I'm a vegetarian!)
Freshmeat, as its name says, is visited by a bunch or very hungry Linux newbies. Expect this mailing list to get flooded with very basic questions. That'd be a dangerous move.