A checkbox in the audio settings?
[X] Autostart jack server on pd startup
On Jun 26, 2013, at 8:11 AM, pd-list-request@iem.at wrote:
From: yvan volochine yvan.pd@gmail.com Subject: Re: [PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness Date: June 26, 2013 6:28:57 AM EDT To: pd-list pd-list@iem.at
On 26/06/13 11:31, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
yes, i would like to have an "-audio auto" switch, that will try to get*any* audio backend (e.g. jack, alsa, oss, dummy; in that order) i even think that this should be the default (e.g. when you start Pd with no arguments and uninitialized settings).
but please provide a way to disable this autostart-audio feature. (I don't know any audio app which starts jack for me
Dan Wilcox @danomatika danomatika.com robotcowboy.com