On 2011-12-20 13:27, brandt@subnet.at wrote:
hi list
i start pd which i made with dpkg out from Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111207.deb i found after searching the different 64er threats on the list.
if i start it with pd -nogui it tells me:
you don't need "-nogui"..."-stderr" is probably more practical, as you will still have the possibility to interact with your patch...
verbose(5): Using /usr/lib/pd-extended/startup as startup. verbose(4): Loading /usr/lib/pd-extended/startup/0.libdir.pd_linux verbose(3): libdir loader 1.9
verbose(3): PDP: pure data packet version 0.12.7
there are some errors in the GEM loading, which i am not able to construe.
but until now, i haven't seen an error in the output.
if i do
pd -nogui -path /home/markus/A2R/sone/Nhouse.rj/ -open /home/markus/A2R/sone/Nhouse.rj/_a.pd
_a.pd is a patch that opens the _main patch.
it says for different abstactions, which are placed in the -path folder for example:
verbose(3): tclpd loader: searching for goasolo in path... verbose(3): tclpd loader: searching for goasolo/goasolo in path... verbose(3): tclpd loader: found nothing!
which only means that the "tclpd loader" is misbehaving, as it should shut up (or at least only report at a higher verbosity level) if it fails find anything. assuming that you don't use any tcl-externals (if you don't know, you most likely don't), you can safely ignore these.
and ogg tells me:
oggcast~: set server type to new Icecast2 (HTTP/1.0 scheme) oggcast~: 2 channels @ 44100 Hz, bitrates: max. 144 / nom. 128 / min. 96 oggcast~: 2 channels @ 44100 Hz, quality 0.80 oggcast~: connecting to port 8000 error: oggcast~: connection failed!
which could simply mean that [oggcast~] couldn't connect to an icecast server. is the server running? do you point to correct server? do you provide the correct password?
fgmasdr IOhannes