I noticed this too. You can add a scalar with a symbol for an element by sending a [pd-subpatch scalar bootycall 1 2 hooah 4( message, but I can't find a way to edit the symbol field without clearing and starting over. Anyone?
On 7/18/06, João Miguel Pais jmmmpais@googlemail.com wrote:
what's the current development state of drawsymbol? It is possible to create a symbol within a struct, but I was looking for how to change/set it. Is a [set struct symb] not yet implemented?
By the way, when trying to close the help patch of [set] pd crashes constantly - doesn't matter which other patches might be open. But this doesn't happen with other d-s objects. (my system specs are below)
-- Lugostr. 14 79100 Freiburg i. Br. Deutschland +49 (0)761 7074997 jmmmpais@googlemail.com http://www.puredata.org/Members/jmmmp IBM Thinkpad R51, XP, Pd-Ext-0.39-2-t3
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