4/4 = 1, yes.
It works for X and Y if your screen is a square.
If you create a 400 * 600 screen you will get a 2.67 * 4 rectangle If you create a 600 * 400 screen you will get a 6 * 4 rectangle
Le 3/03/10 17:27, « martin.peach@sympatico.ca » martin.peach@sympatico.ca a écrit :
So GEM units are QuarterWindowSides, then?
t wrote:
In fact, if you don't change the gemwin's "view" parameters , z = 4.
So if you create a 512 * 512 dimensions window for example, and if you want to build a square with te same dimensions, your square's size will be 4.
Il you create a 600 * 400 dimensions window, the size of corresponding rectangle will be 6 * 4.
Is this what you wanted to know?
Le 3/03/10 0:54, « Jon » a écrit :
this must be documented somewhere, but i can't locate it. is there some logic to the size units for GEM objects? like: what exactly is "2" in [cube 2]? thankyou jon
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