Excuse the terrible typos. See the corrected version below.
On 24.11.2021 17:12, Christof Ressi wrote:
it's very common to upload test releases to Deken. They usually have suffixes like "alpha", "beta", "pre", "test" in their version number to make it clear that they are not stable releases. Pd users are really used to install any externals with Deken. Manual downloads are really the exception nowadays.
Care needs to be taken that the final release is ordered *before* the test releases by having a lexicographically *larger* version number. For example, "v0.1" is smaller than "v0.1-test" (= bad).
To circumvent this problem, Deken sorts "~" before everything else, so you can safely use "v0.1~test". The only caveat is that "~" is not allowed in git tags, which can be a problem for certain CI setups where the version number is derived from the git tag.
Another trick is to include a bug fix number for the final release: "v0.1.0" ranks higher than "v0.1-test"
On 24.11.2021 16:55, Iain Duncan wrote:
Hi, yes they will be added to the package manager, in due time. Perhaps I'm in a minority here, but my perspective from a couple of decades of doing software is that package managers should only hold releases that are definitely stable and production ready. One only has one chance for a first impression, and if new users hit problems with something in a package manager, it reflects badly on the project. When they hit the same issues after downloading a package marked "beta" from GitHub, it's quite a different impression. My opinion is that what I get from NPM or PyPi better "just work". :-)
So I need some reports from people on windows that installation and first steps are going smoothly, and then I will put it up in Deken. I would imagine it should be up in the next month.
On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 7:21 AM IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
On 11/24/21 11:07, Peter P. wrote: > unless you have already done this, do you think of adding these binaries > to Pd's "Deken" Package manager? https://github.com/iainctduncan/scheme-for-pd/issues/22 mfdsar IOhannes _______________________________________________ Pd-list@lists.iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> https://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
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