Hello everybody, im using csound with pd using csoundapi, Im not really a csound guy so i been mostly experimenting with csound codes made by other, like granular synthesis codes. If i want to send a parameter from pd to csound i just add this line in csound: gk3 invalue "grain_size"
I was wondering how can a do for loading sounds in csound from pd. i would like to have different options like sound1.wav, sound2.wav , sound3.wav. as pd messages and then just select from pd the sound i want to load into csound. Do anybody know can i do this in csound/pd?
This is my code in csound with the sound i would like to change from pd:
<CsScore> f1 0 0 1 "kukon.aif" 0 0 1 f2 0 1025 20 2 1
i1 0 3600
thanks in advance