On May 15, 2008, at 2:22 PM, João Pais wrote:
actually, if these settings could be controlled by pd itself, it would be quite easy to make a patch to manage these issues. or then just implement it on the interface's menus, maybe it makes more sense with the current pd structure.
you are exactly right, and luckily, it's already possible:
nice, I was just looking at it. sys_gui is just fresh, right? isn't it really possible to make the changes apply automatically?
if not, it's a step in the good direction, but it's still not
really great.Ah, a couple more issues I had somewhere (well, more like details,
not really important): [or was there a feature request link
somewhere? I only know the bug report one]
- dual screen compatibility. pd patches always open in the same
position as before. but if using a dual screen, windows that were
saved on the other screen always appear in the main screen once
they're reopened (but the coordinates match). (I'm on xp, and my
main screen on the right side, if that makes a difference)
Please submit a bug report.
- is it possible to give the coordinates for the pd window to
appear? that's just a detail, but I get used to divide the screen
in a certain way (also to make sure I'm always controling the
console while having my patches + hdsp mixer open). everytime I
open pd I have to drag the window to the corner of the screen
Try this:
Friedenstr. 58 10249 Berlin Deutschland Tel +49 30 42020091 Mob +49 162 6843570 jmmmpais@googlemail.com skype: jmmmpjmmmp http://www.puredata.org/Members/jmmmp IBM Thinkpad R51, XP, Pd-Ext-0.39-2-t5, Pd Van 0.40-t2
'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said,
hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out
another pink-collar temp pool day. - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf