free to submit pull requests! http://github.com/chr15m/PdDroidParty/
for their work on that. It's lemurtastic. I played a live set with this new feature the other night and it was a lot of fun to get on stage with just a $150 Shanzai Android tablet - super minimal way to rock yr Pd patches live.
stuff, bugfixes, widget colours, close-patch-confirmation, partial-patch-view (i.e. multiple UIs on one screen) and other great things. https://github.com/chr15m/PdDroidParty/commit/da6a5bf97c1e96fe84873233564f5f...
project and I would love it if we could send more work his way. Maybe this is something we can "crowdfund" together? Are there features people want to see urgently in PdDroidParty that they would be willing to pay Kishan to code?
high quality Android freelance developer, please contact Kishan directly (CC'ed).
Have fun!