hi derek, thomas
i really like xsample because its varispeed function:) thank you thomas! it's so handful~
true it will be good if i can get the varispeed function by just pd's built in objects, any ideas please?:-] because i am not familar with c++...
i've just downloaded the pd-0.37, and the "create new file" problem didn't happen!! i also tried the xsample's help patch, great external! i think maybe the problem comes from the pd-038's new function of adding search path& startup flags, and this function comfilct with xsample?
but i found that i can't change the search path in pd-037, when i change it , the next time i start pd, the search path still be the same of the one before changed. this happens even after i delete the whole pd folder under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE.
so i really wonder what pd did to the windows system when the search path changed or changing the startup load libs?what files it will write to windows and where?
i just tried the xsample with pd-038 for max osx, and there was no create new file problem.
:] viva xsample!
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