On Mit, 2017-07-19 at 18:30 +0200, Dan Wilcox wrote:
Ah ok, I misunderstood. What I was referring to was *very* buggy behavior such as creating a bang with the key binding creates two bangs...
What you're talking about is the fact that macOS does not have "focus follows mouse", which it sounds like you are used to.
No, at least: I'm not used to windows coming into focus just by hovering them, if that's what you mean.
Yes, clicking to focus the window is normal. You can hover over an unfocused window and scroll it but not click in without the initial focus click.
Hm.. I don't have a Mac nearby right now, but last time I checked this: When Finder is not in focus, I can click on folder and the Finder window comes to the front AND the folder is selected. The same with any button in qjackctl. I didn't test any other apps. However, with Pd triggering a [bng] of a window that is not in focus requires two clicks. As far as I can tell, that behavior is specific to Pd and seems not to be a Mac paradigm (what I initially thought it would be).
I'd suggest using CMD+` to cycle the currently active app's windows.
Thanks, that is a handy shortcut.