On 17-Apr-06, at 7:59 PM, derek holzer wrote:
Roman Haefeli wrote:
i just checked the code: it seems like changing the page moves
some gui-objs out of the gop-window and others into the window
with [pos X Y(-messages.Send messages to resize your GUI objects to/from 0 width or 0
height. They effectively "don't exist" if they are zero pixels high
or wide (although they still use some CPU resources). You could
even do it with [line], so that they seem to fade out or drop down.
I tried this and it refused to resize below 2 by 8 on a hslider which
is too bad cause using line to make it morph is a really cool idea.
Maybe you could reuse the same gui objects for different parameters
by changing the send (see attached patch). The big problem with this
is storing the settings and having them recalled when you move from
one parameter to another.

-- derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ---Oblique Strategy # 14: "Ask people to work against their better judgement"
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