There is a bug in the help of [array] in that 'array-help-3' and 'array-help-4' are multiply defined. So, for the quantile example to work, you may want to delete the the array named 'array-help-3' in the [pd define] subpatch.
I'll send a fixed version to github.
On Sun, 2019-10-27 at 14:46 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
Hi all
I am having difficulty understanding the output of [array quantile]. From the help-file it seems it expects an input between 0 and 1, and also the values in the array should be in that range. The output seems to be in the range between 0 and <array-size> - 1. But what does it mean?
Can I use this somehow to achieve this:
I have n samples and input q while 0 < q < 1. I would like to know the value x for which q*100 percent samples are smaller than x and (1- q)*100 percent bigger.
Thanks, Roman