been reading some previous discussions, and it seems like the best codec for pix_film is mjpeg, as in not-cpu-expensive. if i encode my movies with ffmpeg with parameters
-an -vcodec mjpeg -sameq
pd crashes when trying to open that avi in pix_film.
pix_film reports on creation:
pix_film:: quicktime support pix_film:: libmpeg3 support pix_film:: libaviplay support
there is no error on stderr apart from
[pix_film]: opening video-mjpeg.avi with format 1908 [pix_film]: ... [pix_film]: ... [pix_film]: ... socket receive error: Connection reset by peer (104) Segmentation fault
if anyone would have an idea how can i make Gem work with mjpeg videos it would be greatly appreciated.