Hello, tomorrow at 6 we will have the february nyc patching circle at 319 scholes
here are the details for anyone interested. See you there!
Enter a New Dawn,
The NYC Patching Circle is a monthly meetup for patchers to come together. Weather you work with or on Pd, Max/MSP/Jitter, VVVV, Eyesweb, Labview, Touchdesigner, Grasshopper, etc. or even if you have never tried before, the Patching Circle is a place to share and ask questions. Beginners and experienced patchers are welcome.
This week we will go into the basics of graphics programming in pure data, play with kinects, and take advantage of the venue to jam.
Work on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a venue space equipped for performance, full of other people patching patches and helping other people patch.
Monday February 2o, 2012, 6:00pm-10:00pm Free!
Sofy Yuditskaya s~ http://yuditskaya.com