Congrats in the Glove, I think you'll enjoy yourself. I think I was the one talking about the glove. There is an active P5 development community on the net. Try P5glove@yahoo for discussions, info etc. What platform are you on? I'm on Mac, the drivers etc can be obtained from If the Config app isn't up yet I can send you a copy. Plugging it into PD is pretty simple - dumpOSC -> OSCroute -> unpack - and you've got the data. I'm making a functional patch at the moment. I'll send it when I'm done. Hope to have helped, Cheers Macca
PS I'm trying to organise a bulk shipment for some uni experimental music groups but freight costs are a stumbling block. Trying to find someone in the States who could help out ???
Message: 10 Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 16:41:35 -0400 From: Ian Smith-Heisters To: Subject: [PD] P5 Glovage
Some people were talking about the P5 Glove from CompGeeks the other day. I went ahead and ordered one just for kicks. If anyone has drivers, apps, interfaces to PD etc, for this, I'd be very interested in taking a look.