Citeren IOhannes zmoelnig
i think i will incorporate a quake-model loader (the source code is already on my hd, i only have to have some times)
That would be really cool!
A completely different path would be to exchange messages with a 'standalone' game engine. The best thing I came across on the net is "The Nebula Device" ( It's open source, cross-platform, cross-3d api (direct3d 7,8 and opengl), and already has a shell interface that might be suitable to 'pump' pd messages into. This is would provide a feature-rich (collision detection, t&l, 3dmax integration, milkshape integration, ...) 3d environment to PD, more suitable for VR-like apps, but less flexible than GEM.
I haven't looked beyond the tech demos yet, and it is not on top of my list of priorities. Comments on the pro/contra welcome. Can similar things allready be made with other feature-rich 3D apps (more or less integrated with PD)?