On 08/24/2015 05:29 PM, school shoes wrote:
hello I understand that our ears perceive midrange sounds as louder than very low or very high ones. I am wondering if there is some sort of simple method or formula or object that compensates for the perceived difference in volume, so that if i have say a patch randomly generating osc~ frequencies between 50 and 15000 hz, the volume [*~] of each frequency can be adjusted so that they all have the same overall presence? thanks in advance.
there's [mtx_phon_curves] (in iemmatrix) which uses an approximation formula for the phon curves. being a matrix object¹, it takes a vector of sinusoidal components and outputs the relative gains.
gfmrsa IOhannes
¹ i have no clue why this is in the iemmatrix toolbox, and not a general scalar object.