don't know this card and don't know what you have tried so far, but just in case a short reminder...
you can start pd with some flags, for example:
-inchannels ... -- audio input channels (by device, like "2" or "16,8") -outchannels ... -- number of audio out channels (same) -channels ... -- specify both input and output channels
then in pd if you want to have access to your 6 output, create the dac this way:
[dac~ 1 2 3 4 5 6]
+! aym3ric.
Hi list - guess this question has been asked quite a lot of times this way or the other... anyway... Has anyone ever successfully tried to get 6 output chanels of an emi 2/6 (emagic) working under winXP? Or does PD only support soundcards with equal in/output numbers? If so, whats the magic word(s) I have to fill in and where...? Thanks in advance Cheers Achim