Is there any way to change the order in which the objects are evaluated
other than
deleting the too early one and inserting it again?
For the kind of work that I am doing that would couse havoc in most of
the cases.
Apart from that I find it very inconvinient, that the program does not
give any imformation
on that important matter. (hope I did not overlook some important
feature here)
Is there any remedy in the pipeline? if not, then here is my feature wish:
objects according to their indices (with some internal decision method if two ore more objects come with the same index)
next object in order of evaluation. Shift Tab would jump to the previous object. this would make debugging really easy.
avoid any unwanted unit delays) but this would have to be calculated whenever the signal routing is changed. (=whenever a wire is introduced or deleted) I'd rather prefer to do it manually also because that would sometimes give me a unit delay for free + it saves pd from another additional overhead.
best regards
Andreas Sumerauer .