Hi Krzysztof,
Krzysztof Czaja hat gesagt: // Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
you may try to simulate buzz effects with filters. Or maybe swapping and crossfading a pair of arrays would do (but probably only for slow control rates)? Similar to using dual-head delay line for harmonizer effect (but with a different window). Something like
...fotzsyzrkFILLkrz... ...zrkFILLkrzysztof...
And what does _that_ mean? It is not Polish: My parents lived in Poland until about 40 years ago and they speak Polish and I never heard them say "fotzsyzrkFILLkrz" ^_^
Now seriously: How is crossfading two arrays done? I understand the harmonizer, "fotzsyzrkFILLkrz" does mean a tape running backwards?
Btw. converting Csound opcodes into Pd externals is easy, and with clever little preprocessing they should be possible to generate `on demand' (for research and educational purposes only), bypassing all the licensing clashes. Has anyone thought about this?
I came to PD from Csound. Working in Csound is totally different from working with PD, and I feel a lot more at home with Miller's way of thinking, expressed in PD. On the other hand, I really miss some opcodes, mainly because I would like to try some things from the Csound Book, which I never tried when I was still using Csound. As Csound also is a major source of dsp source code, I was thinking of starting to port some opcodes to PD (after I grok writing externals, but there's the HOWTO)
But then I looked at the buzz code in csound, and I simply didn't understand it yet :( Now I am waiting for my "Dogde: Computer Music" to arrive, which supposedly also has a description of the buzz generator.
But this opcode porting (for educational and research purpuses only, except the non-MIT-licensed ones) seems to be a very good idea.
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