NT was the only OS you were able to test on?
Well, with the one fix I mentioned, midirealtimein works just fine on Linux,
If you don't mind, I have some questions:
You were doing some kind of timing stuff in the midi clock object code. What was that for? Also, do you think that we should put that object back in action? And if so, do you think we should stop sending the clock to the midi realtime object, if the seperate MIDI clock object is working?
Usualy we should receive MIDI CLOCK(0xF8) at [midirealtimin] but when we need 0xF8, we will need critical timing. so I thought it is more better separate 0xF8 and other [MIDI realtime message] at source code level than at pd patch level. midi Sequence START and STOP does not need critical timing. and few years ago PC spec was still poor.
I made them and I offer it to Mr.Miller at that time. But keep to compatibility with MAX , It did not implement. I think we need to consult it with Mr.Miller
Toshinori Ohkouchi ohk@d1.dion.ne.jp