I'm not sure if this issue has been resolved but if you email victor.lazzarini@nuim.ie I'm sure he will help you out once he gets a chance.
--- Julian Peterson julianpeterson@mac.com wrote:
I can think of two undesirable solutions, neither
of which I've
tried: enable the root account and run everything
as root (which I
loath to do), or disable the real-time features of
I just tested my two undesirable solutions and neither worked.
Running from root still causes a horrible system crash. Running PD
non-rt gave me the same error with csoundapi~ (but at least when it
caused pd to crash it didn't take my whole system down with it!).I don't know if this will help, but here's what I get when I try to
load a csd file that employs fof... Error: utility 'srconv' not found Error in pre-initialisation function of module 'libsrconv.dylib' Error: utility 'sndinfo' not found Error in pre-initialisation function of module 'libsndinfo.dylib' Error: utility 'scale' not found Error in pre-initialisation function of module 'libscale.dylib' Csound tidy up: Bus error Jul 8 15:11:50 crashdump[451]: pd crashed Jul 8 15:11:54 crashdump[451]: crash report written to: ~/Library/ Logs/CrashReporter/pd.crash.logI've successfully run csd files that use oscil, buzz, f-tables,
linseg, expseg, among others. I think these are 'built-in'?Julian
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