Pd people continue to ignore Csound, and Csound people continue to ignore Pd, despite the great power of combining them. I can't help feeling like this is a symptom of being more interested in some intellectual problem than in using all of the available tools to make music. Not seeing the forest for the trees, in a way.
On 3/20/07, Chuckk Hubbard badmuthahubbard@gmail.com wrote:
Interesting idea. Only thing I could suggest would be to use Csound with Pd's csoundapi~ object. You could totally set up an interface for setting angles and stuff with GEM, then relay the HRTF info to Csound. It would be pretty awesome. I wouldn't know where to start trying to set up HRTF just in Pd.
On 3/20/07, Isidro Gonzalez isidro_gonsoy@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi. I am looking for PD objects and/or abstractions to do HRTF filtering. Any ideas on where to get them? Thanks Isi
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