I see your example is based on an example from an older version of Pd. In Pd 0.54 I have updated the examples to just use [s~]/[r~] instead of [tabsend~]/[tabreceive~]. Use the latest version for a bug free [delread4~] please.
btw, my live electronics tutorial has examples that show how to do these kinds of things and there's an example which is solely for pitch shifting, if you want just that and no time stretch/compress.
See Part.09-Spectral.Processing/34-Advanced/3.Phase.Vocoder/1.TimeStretch-PitchShift/ *3.Ring-Buffer-Pitch.Shift.pd*
I haven't updated my examples yet to just use [s~]/[r~] instead of [tabsend~]/[tabreceive~], will do it soon , but here's a screenshot
[image: Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 01.43.02.png]
Em dom., 24 de dez. de 2023 às 01:29, Alexandre Torres Porres < porres@gmail.com> escreveu:
Hi, there's [else/pvoc.live~] which is a fft/phase-vocoder based real time pitch shifter and time stretcher. It's also based in Miller's phase vocoder example. It uses a delay line but I use the [del~] object from ELSE instead of [delread4~] (I prefer to use the new name instead of the old [vd~] one). At the time I had to use this object from ELSE instead because [delread4~] had a bug that got fixed this year.
There's also [else/stretch.shift~], which is granular based but it's quite the same, just not FFT based, and I also like to interpret FFT as a form of granular by the way.
Cheers and happy holidays
Em sáb., 23 de dez. de 2023 às 10:47, Orm Finnendahl < orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> escreveu:
as I couldn't find examples for a working fft/phase-vocoder based realtime pitch shifter for pd online, I made one based on the I07.phase.vocoder example of Miller Puckette, replacing the tabread4~ with a vd~.
I attach it, as some might have a use for it.
Happy Holidays to everybody!
-- Orm _______________________________________________ Pd-list@lists.iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> https://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list