Johannes Taelman schrieb:
It's all possible, but I don't think there is any off-the-shelf solution besides biomuse.
Some years ago the was a product available called 'Wave Rider'. A box with two inputs for brainwave sensors, one for skin resistance and on for heartbeat (if I remember correctly). There were also other configurations (more inputs) available. For WinPC there was a software that read in the data through the serial port and converted it into music. For Mac a MAX object was availble (but I never used it myselfe). Alltogether 3000,- DM (about US$ 1500,-!!). The device was available in Germany throuh Magic Music but the manufacturer was US based (can't remeber it's name). We used it to control a Yamaha diskalvier. - The sensors were rather simple and it was very difficult to get any reproducable brainwave capturing. A more reliable way to get brainwaves into your computer could be to get an old brainwave recording system from a hospital. Everything else is just toys and you'll get almost any output you want - without any relation to the brainwaves! BTW we were even on British television with our WaveRider in one episode (September 1998) of Channel 4's 'Eurotrash' series.... today I feel very ashamed for that... ;-)
PS: wow it's still available, it seems: and