cyrille henry escribió:
if you try, it will work like you wish (the video will be ok), even if the render is not in real time...
(I did try) The video is "ok" in that it has all the frames it should have. However, it somehow saves the information about how long each frame is. If I play it back in quicktime, for example, it plays at a variable framerate and it plays at the same (variable) speed at which it was rendered!
Also, if I import it for example in Vegas Pro, the information of the (variable) framerate is interpreted and used, and the video is imported into the timeline "just as it would play", not one-frame-per-frame. Vegas Pro apparently has no option to ignore the source framerate information. I guess other editing softwares do...
However, at the end I solved by saving a sequence of jpegs with pix_write.
Thanks m.