Hi all,
at that time, Matthias Rath was working on the rolling model in Verona (Vision, Image Processing, and Sound lab, Computer Science Dept.) and was a member in the project Sounding Object (SOb, http://www.soundobject.org/ , there you can find the book collecting the most important results of the project). Unfortunately the software available on-line is not the very updated. However, the current CLOSED project (http://closed.ircam.fr/ ), in which I am a member, is carrying on the development of the everyday-sounds modules. You can find the latest version of the software package (available via svn) here: https://svn.sme-ccppd.org/svn/sobs/SoundDesignTools/tags/SDT-0.4.2c/ Unfortunately, since the coordinator of the project CLOSED is an "Ircamian", we were force to switch to Max/MSP, but at the same time we started developing using flext, so you can always compile the externals for pd. The example patches provided are for Max only, though. If you're interested, I can send you the latest pd version (pre-Max) of the rolling patch+externals.