On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 09:27:03AM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011, Matt Barber wrote:
number to the end of the last list -- but we need to store the last list as the thing to prepend, so it has to go back into the right inlet, and the only good way of doing that is [t a] (you could just use a [list] object, too, but [t a] seems more reliable and what people use most).
I don't see what you mean about reliability. I only know that going
through a [list append] is taking O(n) time, while going through a [t a]
takes O(1) time.Also, adding n elements to a list individually using [list]x[list] takes
O(n^2) time, with [list]x[t a] it takes O(n^2) time too, and using a
messagebox's add-method you can lower it to O(n). It's faster if you hide the messagebox in a subpatch.From what I remember, the list-abs library does not use messageboxes, only [list]x[t a], and thus several things are still O(n^2) even though they could be O(n), and even though I upgraded [list-drip] from O(n^2) to O(n) two years ago.
Your list-drip.pd was included in [list]-abs at about that time. Message boxes are used in a handful of objects to speed things up, but probably some more places would be useful. I don't remember ATM if message box storage works fine with pointers as well, but there are objects where only floats would be allowed anyway.
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