The Atmel CPU is probably too weak to do more then trivial synthesis
in realtime. But there is a lot of C code out there for synthesis,
it should compile and run on the Atmel. The hard part is getting the
sound out.
On Aug 10, 2007, at 1:00 AM, glerm soares wrote:
I know this could go off topic pretty fast, but I think this Is PD
related and some people here will be interested (more than in
arduino forum).I was playing with arduino with that examples that plays a buzzer
just applying volts with delayMicroseconds() function.So I realized how nice would be if we could implement some PD ~
objects concepts (like delay lines, filters, oscilators, envelopes)
in a arduino library (create something like a Synthesis library).Someone have tried something like this? I know that atmega168 have
a lot of limitations for audio dsp, but it could be for lo-fi and
bitcrushed sounds for studies and fun.well... if this still too off topic for here, there's a topic
related in the arduino forum: there's just few comments, this is the reason I thought here
could be a place to find some interested people...thanx
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