the [not so funny thing] about sexist [ and heavy ] people is like of one having a d*** in place of his nose, he's just unable to see it.
dude, without wanting to be offensive: it's a really good thing to be a
rebel and provide alternatives to mainstream established corrupt power and
etc., but it's not good to be a fundamentalist, whatever what's your
"religion" (wahhabism, christian, capitalism, feminism, animal
rights....). this thread started with you complaining about the terms 'wet
dream' and 'gang bang'. If you do a search for them in this list, you'll
'wet dream' - 2002, one thread with 4 mails. also women can have wet
dreams, just like women can ejaculate - go figure, just like men. some
really emancipated women that I know speak about their wet dreams, how
they would like to "get that guy", and etc. - which I find quite good,
because they're free to live their lives as they want to, and they do it.
and anyway they don't care about what I think, because they just do what
they want.
'gang bang' - some mails in 2004, one or 2 in 2006. related with an
object, not with the action. by the way, check the wikipedia, gang bang is something done by
both sexes, and "is now increasingly applied only to consensual sexual
behavior in the sexual swinging community". unles you meant 'gang rape',
but a search in the pd list turns out no results. I guess we macho
women-enslaving pders have something to learn yet, thank you for bringing
that up.
So resuming, you're complaining about something that someone wrote once or
twice years ago? either is the whole list very wrong, or you might be
exagerating a bit. anyway if you're against macho and sexism, you're in
the right place, the country in europe with the greatest number of
domestic violence-provoked deaths - even worse as Portugal. if you want to
do something about it, start there.
anyway, if you're really serious about sexism in this list and not just
mouthing out, get some real references, and we'll talk about it like
civilized people. think of it as providing a bug report: if you only say
"this object doesn't work" no one will have a clue of what you meant, and
people might start talking about something general without going to the
point; if you say "this object did so and so in these conditions, here's a
log for you to see" then people have some reference. if you really think
we're sexist or we can improve something, do something more than scream
"you filthy pigs" - you'll notice that people will be more interested in
the subject, and will be more responsive.
all the answers we got on this thread really show the high level of sexism on this list, and once again, some girls will not answer to this level of discussion ..
you know, all these years as a (not very active) member of pd list I never
saw many women mailing, providing abstractions or externals. are we really
so bad that they don't even subscribe? again I ask, if you're serious
about this theme, search the list and send concrete references to the
list. unles you mean using [bang] is sexist...
pd : btw, we will not meet in Lisboa, thank you no...
I prefer it that way too, I don't know if I would be able to take your
"street language" and your linux fundamentalism.
check out the old area of Alfama in a sunny day, it's quite beautiful. if
you go out at night, try Bairro Alto, and the Zé dos Bois art
gallery/bar/concert venue, there's always something happening there, and
they should be interested in your work. there's also going to be a free
software encounter in 12 and 13 -,
probably most of it in portuguese and not music-related. Don't be afraid,
I won't be there.
the areas outside Lisboa are quite nice, Sintra, Cascais (maybe too
decadent), Alentejo, .... and of course, wine and fish.
PS to the rest of the list: sorry for the troll feeding, it won't happen
again (it's my first time)
-- Friedenstr. 58 10249 Berlin Deutschland Tel +49 30 42020091 Mob +49 162 6843570 skype: jmmmpjmmmp IBM Thinkpad R51, XP, Pd-Ext-0.39-2-t5, Pd Van 0.40-t2