thanks. i don't think i fully understand your reply, but i'm also not sure whether this is what i need: i'm not looking for simpler and / or more flexible ways to control mode & cursor movement. i'm looking for a way to make a keyboard action 'conditional': hitting the spacebar should have no effect in edit mode, and perform certain things (to be hooked up per version of the 'motherpatch' that i base patches for specific pieces on ... at least that's the plan ;) ) when in play mode. so i'm looking for a way to get the information about status mode from pd, which i'll then attempt to have control a spigot or sth similar. i'd be happy if someone could point me to a solution--maybe simply a search term for the list archives? searching on mode status, edit mode and similar wasn't very satisfying. thanks, robbert
Sorry, I left the list out on my earlier reply...
I have used:
[x] | [pd-subpatch editmode $1(
Instead of Ctl-E, and then the same toggle can be used to tell the patch whether editmode is on for the subpatch. I have my sequencer score set up so that hitting E once lets go of the note-cursor and enters edit mode; hitting E again leaves edit mode but leaves the note-cursor unattached to the mouse; and hitting Q at any point binds the note-cursor to the mouse. Of course Ctl-E still works, but in my patch there's no reason not to have just E enter editmode- it only works when that subpatch is active.