On Nov 23, 2010, at 2:55 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Nov 23, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
- is there a "release program"? are the testers to make sure the
implementations are working well, or do you still take requests?
Not only requests but also active contributions are very much
welcome. Ideally, patches provided would be both pd vanilla and our
pd-compatible, so that theoretically everyone can benefit.
- what is going to happen to all this work, hopefully be
integrated in pd-van/ext?
I've tried sending over dozen patches upstream over the past year
(and there are at least another half-dozen I need to submit). While
some have made it into vanilla Pd, many of them haven't. I think
partially because most of the core devs are plugging away at 0.43
which for me is a no go as of right now as I need something that is
as production-ready and bug-free as possible. Other reasons include
possibly the fact that some of the patches may be seen as
controversial in terms of how they tackle issues. E.g. scrolling
algorithm fundamentally changes how canvas spatial context is being
calculated and as such it may take some time to adjust to.Tldr; While I hope all patches I've submitted do make it upstream,
I have no way of knowing. 0.43 will get there and possibly soon but
I don't feel comfortable running it yet.We definitely welcome improvements, the problem is that these
patches are for 0.42, and the Tcl code in 0.43 has changed
immensely. Hopefully you can port them to 0.43, that would be a
necessary step for me to include them.
- will someone put the code to work in all systems? (especially
That someone would have to be someone else than me as I am swamped
as it is and quite frankly other OSs are not (and will likely never
be) a priority in L2Ork. That said, I will gladly merge whatever
improvements I can get in this respect. We've already put a decent
amount of work inside pd.tk to allow better separation of Linux
from other Oss in terms of customizations but it has not been
consistent throughout, so it is a simple matter of tracking those
inconsistencies down and adjusting accordingly.
- will you/your team continue to make improvements here (there are
really lots of things that can be done), or was this a one-off project?
As best as we can. At this point it is mainly me and occasionally I
get some student help.
- is there a feature list, to know how to test the novelties?
I should've done a laundry list of these as I went but somewhere
along the road I lost track so honestly I don't know just how many
fixes are there. That said, I am quite sure there easily dozens
upon dozens of them in this release alone.
- did you look at vvvv? in an informal presentation here one of
their developers said that he was inspired by pd, but added lots of
details that make the user experience much faster and easier, sometimes just by implementing small details (let the mouse over an outlet to see the values, etc.).I saw it briefly and I agree there are a lot of options that could
be added. I think the important question which ones should be given
greatest priority.e.g. I am right now thinking it would be nice to have resizable cnv
just by clicking on its bottom-right corner. Ditto for other visual
iemgui objects. Another thing I would really like to see soon is
ability to box-select patch cords. Then perhaps an undo doubly- linked list would be nice as well (although not sure how hard this
would be).Perhaps you'd be interested in my unreleased tkwidgets library, its
in SVN. Basically, I am working on creating a framework to make it
much easier to make GUI objects. Part of that framework includes
things like resizing things with the mouse. I have that much
working but its buggy still. Once that gets ironed out, I plan on
making Pd versions of all the core Tk widgets, including the Tk
canvas. In tkwdigets there is already a [text] object that works
quite nicely, save a few bugs.
I forgot to add, my experience with the iemgui code has told me that
they would be very difficult to improve, hence the tkwidgets lib.
The arc of history bends towards justice. - Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.