Hi David
I think I've got v 1.17, but I also had no trouble with earlier firmware and Knobs & Sliders. I was using Chris' compiled .nds file. Would DLDIDrop have made a difference? (I don't know a lot about this stuff - I'm still at the just try stuff and hope it works phase with my DS.
cheers dafydd
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:41 PM, PSPunch shima@pspunch.com wrote:
At one point, I could not get homebrew apps using wifi (including FUDIKaosDS binaries on Chris's site) to work on my R4. This was until the DSwifi libraries were updated at which point, binaries I built worked just fine.
This was with R4 kernel version 1.14 I think. What do you use? Some things may have changed unless I was doing something wrong.
-- David Shimamoto
Am I missing something? It seems to work fine on my R4 (and it's really cool)
cheers dafydd
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 1:53 AM, Chris McCormick chris@mccormick.cx wrote:
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 08:09:33PM +0900, PSPunch wrote:
Thanks for viewing my work. That post on YouTube was made by me. (shortly after I suggested you a while back to recompile the DS binaries using the later Wifi library adding support for R4)
Thanks for making the video available. I am getting an R4 soon, so I'll certainly be re-compiling the binary with the new wifi library so it works with that.
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