It is possible to sample pixel data and get the color values with the pix_data object. It accepts a normalized x, y position (ie, between 0, 1) and outputs the color and grayscale value of a pixel. You can use this to drive audio if you want.
Later, Mark
============================ = = Lead Programmer PS2 = ============================
-----Original Message----- From: Michael Lechasseur [] Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 8:10 AM To: Pd-List Cc: Michael Lechasseur Subject: images -> audio
A visual artist would like me to create some audio from digitized brain scan images. I peeked at the objects in the GEM library, and they seem to deal with creating and displaying graphics, rather than using graphics as a source for output to "pure data".
I seem to remember a friend telling me that pd and GEM were used at a demonstration at McGill university, and the patch was programmed to created audio from a graphic file.
The processing of the data used to create the images would be fairly minimal.
Any suggestions?
Michael Lechasseur