Max Neupert wrote:
hi list,
i'm sending control data to a vline~ object over the network. those
are precisely timed messages. i can hear uncontinuous errors in the
output, some messages seem to be delayed. when i use OSC the timing is pretty bad. now i use netserver/ netclient and it's getting better, but there are still some
discontinuity hearable (in the sampleplaying of the tabread4~ driven
by the vline~).i guess i can further optimize by avoiding all other network traffic,
but is there another way to get the sheduling tighter?
I think the best way would be to put some kind of timestamp in the messages and have the receiver hold the received message until the timestamped time occurs. That should get rid of any jitter at the expense of a second or so of delay. Otherwise put the machines as close together as possible (speed of electrons is about 10cm per nanosecond ;)) and have them be the only two machines on the network, using a crossover cable instead of a switch/router. Also disable background network processes like file sharing and NTP. Martin