But to return to the original question, if my 'improvement' of pack destroys the nice symmetry of pack and unpack arguments, this certainly calls the design of unlack into question, since the only reason its arguments are as they are is that they were designed so in the context of a no-longer-extant pack.
On Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 09:21:38PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007, Miller Puckette wrote:
On Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 05:12:31PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
There's no way to use "tea" and "for" as being default values in that context.
Sure enough... It does not work in Pd. I checked and it still worked in Max/FTS vintage 1993, so it's Pd at fault :)
If you implemented that, then how do you feel about the inability of symbols "f" "s" "p" to be used as default values?
How do you determine that something like that is Pd's fault?... by opposition to being an improvement in design compared to Max/FTS. I bet that in your absence I could've found a bunch of people who would've thought that this is intentional... perhaps including me.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - t?l:+1.514.383.3801, Montr?al QC Canada
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