Same problem here, with last release of [pyext]
I guess you're using windows too, right?
Fortunately I've keeped a working release, but it works with python24 only:
Oh, would you please send it to me? (or is it online somewhere?)
maybe you should use another solution, or come back to the old python24,
Well I think I wouldn't mind too much using python 2.4...
The create folder feature could be implemented in pd, or rather tcl command lines could be used through pd messaging system without an external since it already uses tcl for the client side
That sounds very interesting. Is it possible with the current stable pd release or you mean with the new pdGuiRewrite thing?
Can you point me to some resource to learn how to do that?
Would that cause a "dos" window (or any kind of window) to flash-pop-up??
thanks a lot m.