Le 26/11/2012 22:38, Jean-Marie Adrien a écrit :
Thanks Miller !
-nosound -udiobuf 5 -slepgrain 1
Definitely academic :)
But I run intense audio on this PD instance, together with midi driving lights in real time. here are the flags :
-rt -noadc -midioutdev 1,2 -audiooutdev 2 -outchannels 8
phasor~ would not do it ?
phasor~ will do provide a better clock than a metro since pd internal time is "perfect". your problem come from jitter between "pd time" and "real world time".
reducing audio latency should help to reduce this jitter.
or clipped cos~ ? maybe simply change MIDI interface to without-driver model.
yes, that sound like a good solution.
cheers c
Le 26 nov. 2012 à 17:19, Miller Puckette a écrit :
This isn't a very good answer, but the "real" timing jitter in Pd can often be rediced by reducing audio buffering, In particular if you don't need audio at all you might be able to run Pd -nosound -udiobuf 5 -slepgrain 1 or something like that.
cheers Miller
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 03:35:41PM +0100, Jean-Marie Adrien wrote:
Hi list Im trying to cope with the MOTU Micro lite USB Midi driver under OsX Mountain Lyon. The stacking process of the driver is weird, means data are totally corrupted if they arrive too quickly to the interface, which does not happen with OsX Lyon, although MOTU announces full compatibility with OsX ML, anyway.
I'm trying to make my own fifo from within PD, and, in this process, at some point I have to dump values out of the stack at "regular" time intervals. The straightforward implementation uses a metronome object, say with period 10 msec.
The problem is that the metronome object is not precise enough, and it bangs erratically with time intervals within 0 to 20 msec, as measured with the (realtime) object, and this screws again the midi interface (everything else normal, dsp 10%).
Is there an academic way to get a steady flux of bangs with short period ? Delay ? Hack some audio for control purposes ? (use a phasor~ ? :) Thanks Jm
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