Hi, I am using arduino since few weeks now and find it useful with my PD patch, a good controller, very helpul...etc
We made some workshop on it : http://www.apo33.org/ecos-site/doku.php?id=les_participants#ping_nantes_fr
and we got a lot of problem with the arduino java editor for many reason and on all the platforms... so we discussed about working on an open editor to load the firmware... we actual work on to see what's possible...
but I would to ask you guys, why people from arduino use java for an open hardware? java is still proprietary and have a lot of restriction, and cause a lot of problem on many platform? why they didn't developp an open editor for an open hardware... there is something here that is not logical... maybe some of you have their ideas on the question...
well if there is some people that have some ideas about some open editor to code & load firmware to arduino, any help are welcome... we will communicate here if we find something useful...