I made another discovery connecting the output of "env~" then "line" to a bang message and counting them during 1 second.
I get 93 bangs for "env~" and 50 for "line".
But i don't understand, it cannot be 20 ms update time for "line" since we are doing ADSR with it (?)
Le Samedi 27 Avril 2002 00:25, Miller Puckette a écrit :
Well, you've hit on a major weakness of Pd's scheduler. The block size can go all the way down to 1 (check it out using print~ for example)... BUT ... control computations only occur at intervals of 64 samples. So bang~, which sets a delay so as to schedule a (message/control time) bang, might schedule it 64 times in a 64-sample period, but at the end of the show, only one of the 64 comes out.
I wish I knew a better way to interleave control and DSP scheduling, but so far, the best I can come up with is to have the grain at which control passes back and forth be a global quantity. In Pd it's arbitrarily set to 64...
cheers Miller