On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Martin Dupras martindupras@gmail.comwrote:
Has anyone successfully received MTC from another application on OS X?
I'm trying to send MTC from Logic Pro 9 into PD. I receive numbers, but the data seems to be arriving faster than the queue can spit it out. If I press 'play' in logic even for just a few seconds, the numbers keep coming into pd for quite a while.
Any advice?
Hello Martin,
Logic has a feature called Continuous MTC that may be related to this. Also, I remember that it is not advised to configure MTC to be sent at every quarter frame as it may jam MIDI communication. So first you may want to check if your outgoing MTC is alrite.
2010/3/23 Martin Dupras martindupras@gmail.com
Hi Andras,
Thanks for the advice.
I'm looking at the Logic manual and I can't find anywhere where one configures MTC to not be send every quarter frame. Any idea where I should look?
Many thanks!
- martin
Hello Martin,
i'm copying this back to the list... It seems that Logic cannot itself control the flow of MTC in any more detail. Upon further inspection, i also start to doubt that there is any way or need do that... because every bit of the MTC, including the quarter frames, are necessary at the end. This is the best explanation of MTC i've seen so far: http://web.archive.org/web/20080322040604/www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/mtc.htm (Btw the whole web-site *was* nice and the Technical Docs section is excellent. http://web.archive.org/web/20080626112116/http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/ )
So what i think you can do to reduce MTC traffic is that you reduce the Frame Rate.