was able to run the rtx-patch under win98. for about 1 minute before it crashed when i tried to open 'gwin 50 50'. jedenfalls, hut ab iohannes!
but. and this is a big but! what i saw was no tx-transformation in its original meaning (see: -> Technique). as far as i understand this, tx-transform cannot be achieved in realtime since the flipping of space- and time-axis needs two finite values. in a movie the space is limited to its dimensions. but one cannot flip this finite value with the endless time of a live-video. one could only do it in portions consisting of n frames, where n is the width of the video in pixels. you would first have to capture n frames and then, while transforming and outputting the result, capturing the next n frames. the output would then always be delayed n frames.
rite? (hope my english says what i mean).
what rtx does, seems to me like a delayed horizontal flipping of the video. may be that is what you meant with "...being *completely* different...". anyway. great!
pd/w2k at least shows me one picture of the cam now (after some driver-reinstallations), before it dies.
u> does your capture card work correctly ? can you capture videoIN with the u> standard hauppauge-applications ? yes. i can capture under w2k.
u> win98se + asus v6600deluxe have u tried w2k? pd/gem runs much^3 faster on w2k than on w98 on my hardware.
u> what do you exactly mean by "when i leave pd" ? u> actively leaving pd or being left by pd ? u> on my system, pd crashes too when leaving it (pe: via file/quit). i do u> not know the exact error-message, since it doesn't bother me (crashing u> on leaving) yes. i mean that one. just wanted to mention it.
only, joreg